Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thanking our Stars

Students are endowed with a lot of talents that are earthed. They only need opportunities like this (STARS conference) to unearth such talents. Opportunities and such are lacking in our schools.

The challenges dramatised on stage by our students are the exact challenges they face in their various schools as student leaders. They most of the times resort to punishments and reportings to the authorities that be. Little do they know that they can overcome such challenges without outside hands.

STARS conference has unearthed these talents that have been in the hide out for some time now. What a pity for the schools that have not been represented! Who teaches their student leaders how to overcome their own challenges as leaders? Who brings them in touch with other students for socialization? How do they get to know that they can learn a lot with the use of the Internet? Well, everybody and his/her luck. Students who have participated in this conference are lucky and need to thank their stars.

STARS conference is doing a great job for the schools represented, since their student leaders are being empowered with leadership skills. STARS conference has started and looking at its importance, it must be made to stay. Every effort should therefore be made for its sustenance.

-Sumani Philip Abdulai, Counterpart Teacher, Gushegu Senior High School

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